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Your Favorites

Favorite Food
Learn to talk about your favorite food

Now it is time to learn to describe your favorites. These include food, hobbies, sports etc. Let’s start.

अब यह समय है कि आप अपनी पसंदीदा चीजों का वर्णन करना सीखें। इनमें खाना, शौक, खेल आदि शामिल हैं। चलिए शुरू करें।


Example 1:

My favorite food is panipuri. I like it because it is spicy. I also like Bhelpuri. It is savory. These are some of the street foods of India that I enjoy with my friends.

Favorite- पसंदीदा

Spicy- तीखा

Savory- मसालेदार

Enjoy- मजा


Example 2:

My favorite game is cricket. I like to play it with my friends, in the playgrounds around my town. Other than cricket, I also like football. It is a fast-paced game. I have participated in tournaments for both cricket and football.

Playgrounds- मैदान

Town- शहर

Other than- इसके अलावा

Fast-paced- तेज गति

Participated- भाग लिया

Tournaments- प्रतियोगिता


Example 3:

My favorite game is cricket. Although I do not play the game, I watch it every day. I am a huge fan of IPL matches. On my birthday, I and my family visited the cricket stadium to watch a match.  That day, we also went to a restaurant.

Although- फिर भी

Fan- प्रशंसक

Visited- जाएँ

That day- उस दिन

Also- भी


Example 4:

My hobby is dancing. It is a good form of exercise. I take dance classes everyday and practice a lot. Dancing helps with my fitness. I have also taken part in dance competitions organized at the national level.

Hobby- शौक

Form- रूप

Take- लेने

Practice- अभ्यास

A lot- ढेर सारा                                      

Fitness- स्वास्थ्य

Taken part- भाग लिया

Competitions- प्रतियोगिता

Organized- आयोजित


Example 5:

My favorite food is pizza. It comes in various flavors and sizes. I like pizzas with vegetables and seasonings. I generally like my pizza hot because the cheese melts in my mouth. I either buy pizzas from stores or make it myself.


Various- बहुत सारे

Flavors- स्वाद

Sizes- आकार

Seasonings- मसाला

Generally- आमतौर पर

Melts- पिघलता है।

Either- कोई एक

Or- या

Stores- दुकानों

Myself- खुद


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